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Fees and Funding


Under two’s £5.90 per hour 

Under three’s £5.80 per hour

Under five’s £5.60 per hour

Full day care 8am – 6pm £47.00 per day for non funded children only (includes discount) 

Cooked dinners are an additional £3.00 a meal and include a main meal and pudding. 

Tea time meals are £2.00 and include a main and a pudding. 


We are registered to provide 2/3/4 year funding, for more information please enquire at the setting or use the following links to apply:

Funding for working parents for children aged 2, 3 and above including 30 hours funding (children become eligible the term after their 2nd/3rd birthday)

Funding for families who meet the criteria for the disadvantaged funding for children aged 2 and above (children become eligible the term after their second birthday subject to certain criteria)

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